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inisk raepist@ omegle


You: Hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: m23
You: I can count to potato
Stranger: why
You: Because I practised
Stranger: ok
You: wanna get dirty?
Stranger: u all ways
Stranger: practised
You: wanna get dirty?
Stranger: ya
You: kk, then hit the ground!
You: now!
You: preferably in a muddy place
Stranger: asl
You: ?
You: American Sign Language?
You: no, I don't speak that one
You: 🙁
You: sry
Stranger: why
You: I haven't practiced that one
You: 🙁
Stranger: ok
Stranger: name
You: who's?
Stranger: u name
You: ah
You: Kim
Stranger: my name pushpendra
You: are your name oushpendra?
You: *pushpendra
You: ?
Stranger: ya
You: oh noes
You: what happened?
You: did your mother have some disease in her tounge when she named you?
You: or..
You: are you SPANISH?
You: omgzzzzzzzzzzz
Stranger: no
Stranger: indian
You: what about it then?
You: ah
You: cool
Stranger: ok
You: indian guys are nice
Stranger: thks
You: ^^
You: so, what do you wanna know?
Stranger: your name ju-yelon
You: y name is Ki
You: *Kim
You: what'sa yu-yelon?
Stranger: relly
You: a relly?
You: what's that?
Stranger: close this metter
You: ah
You: sry 🙁
Stranger: mother fucker
You: wanna have my real name?
Stranger: sorry
You: np
Stranger: ya
You: my real name is...
Stranger: sorry
You: Diaborah maximmilia augusta the 3:rd
Stranger: soooooooo
You: qyeen of bath and wales
You: you can call me Kim though
You: all my friends call me that
Stranger: so its dont matter for me
You: then why ask?
Stranger: what r u doing
Stranger: /
You: I'm chatting with an Indish guy atm
You: rly cool
Stranger: coollllllllllllll
You: yep
You: but
You: 🙁
You: I'm stupid
You: ofc you know that
You: you arn't dead, are you?
Stranger: rally u r
You: rally I am
Stranger: ok
You: how about you?
Stranger: m23
You: m23?
You: is that a high-way?
Stranger: no my dear
You: then wat is it?
Stranger: sex ,age
You: what kind of sex is m?
You: I've heard of orl, but m?
You: ??
Stranger: most hard core
You: ah
You: like american sign language
Stranger: ya
You: k
You: ur cool man
You: oh
Stranger: k
You: is m=man?
Stranger: ya i am
Stranger: ya ur intelegent guy
You: guy?
Stranger: ya u r guy
You: and you're still hitting on me?
You: how rude
Stranger: its my style
Stranger: dear
You: wait till nancy hear about this!
You: she will raep you
Stranger: u is this
You: I am what?
Stranger: oh its my pleasur baby
You: kk
Stranger: k
You: wanna hear a joke?
Stranger: no
You: What do you get i you put a baby in a toaser?
Stranger: it,sreaiiy
Stranger: what its mean?
You: hmm
You: if you put
You: baby
You: kid
You: young one
You: in a hot place
You: made to toast toast
Stranger: ya
You: then you
You: get
Stranger: ya
You: erection
You: oooh-wa
You: y know?
Stranger: u get it
You: yep
You: we all do
Stranger: k
You: are you a baby?
Stranger: no my dear
You: or an ostrich?
You: Du bör undlåta att föra vidare konversation!
Stranger: u r bor person
Stranger: such a donkey
You: are you one of theese..Indian rapists?
Stranger: ya i am
You: Or are you one of the sub-atomic engieenrs?
Stranger: ya
You: cool
You: then you'll be my slave when I conquer the world
Stranger: great rapits
You: but inside..
You: there is a soft core..
Stranger: ya wana be
You: who just want a hug
You: poor little rabbit
Stranger: ya i wana
Stranger: no
You: kk
Stranger: my dear
Stranger: i large fucking guy
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
Stranger: ya i looks like
You: A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!v
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: v
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: v
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: v
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: v
You: A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
Stranger: ru gone made
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
Stranger: u little rat
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: A wild starmie appears!
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: vv
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
You: v
Stranger: i fucking kill u bitch
You: []xxxxxx[]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(0_o)::::::::::::>
Stranger: u r nothing
You: neither are you
You: none of us are
You: since atoms consists of 98% od void
You: *of
You: and earth is just a tiny dot in the heavens
Stranger: u asshole
You: who are you, who am I?
You: Living thearticals
You: In sleep he sang to me!
You: In dreams he caame!
Stranger: u r a little pussy which gone raped my my huge dick
You: the one which calls to mee
You: and speaks my name
You: and do I dream again
You: for now, I've found
Stranger: its dont matter to me u little pussy
You: the faaantom of the opera is here, inside my mind
You: sig once again with me
You: our strange duet
You: my power over you
You: grow stronger yet
You: and though you turn from me
You: to glance behind!
You: the phaaaantom of the opera is there
You: inside my mind
You: I'm back hunny
Stranger: sutpid dankey
You: Diaborah Maximmila Augustina the 3:rd
You: to your service
You: and is dankey=donkey
You: ?
Stranger: shut up
You: I'm completely silent
You: won't say a word
Stranger: u r noyhing u r a donkey
You: promise




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That made me laugh. Thanks. (:


xD Omegle kan vara riktigt roligt ibland.



xD Omegle kan vara riktigt roligt ibland.

Nej, det suger Dold text: KUK! [cry]


