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Jag och ööökarn = perfekt match [love]


In Mein Kampf Hitler speaks of the "creator of the universe" and "eternal Providence." He also states his belief that the Aryan race was created by God, and that it would be a sin to dilute it through racial intermixing. Hitler writes:

"The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfill God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, the divine will."

The term Aryan originates with the Indo-Iranian self-designation arya, attested in the ancient texts of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, the Rigveda and the Avesta.

Since, in the 19th century, the most ancient known "Indo-European" languages were those of the Indo-Iranians' ancestors, the word Aryan was adopted to refer not only to the Indo-Iranian people, but also to Indo-European speakers as a whole, including the Greeks, Romans and Germans. It was soon recognised that Balts, Celts, Slavs and Armenians also belonged to the same group. It was argued that all of these languages originated from a common root — now known as Proto-Indo-European — spoken by an ancient people who must have been the original ancestors of the European, Iranian, and Indo-Aryan peoples. The ethnic group composed of the Proto-Indo-Europeans and their modern descendants was termed the Aryans.

Betyder alltså att jag som är mest Arier här typ och en trogen anhängare utav nazism rörelsen måste vara perfekt match enligt Hitler [cute]


Fattar nada typ.


Du ser ut som en som skulle kunna varit jude.



Du ser ut som en som skulle kunna varit jude.

Jo men de är inte så de fungerar. Och nja jag har väll samma hudfärg som en jude kanske [cute]


Okej, grattis eller?



Okej, grattis eller?

Hitler är läskig [sad]



Hitler är läskig [sad]

Okej? Han är död. Tror du kan vara lugn.


Alltså... Iran betyder ju faktiskt Arisk så...

Men den ariern Hitler talade om är inte den ariska gruppen du menar. Hitler menade mer eller mindre bestämt germanerna, alltså den folkgrupp som kommer från norra Europa.



norra Europa.

Samerna ?


Jag har hört att du är ful.



Samerna ?

hahaha 😀




Men den ariern Hitler talade om är inte den ariska gruppen du menar.

In 1935, Dr Hjalmar Schacht, the Nazi Economics minister noted the Aryan origin of the Persians and encouraged the Persian Reza Shah Pahlavi to ask foreign delegates to use the term Iran, "land of Aryans" instead of Persia.

As the New York Times explained at the time, "At the suggestion of the Persian Legation in Berlin, the Tehran government, on the Persian New Year, March 21, 1935, substituted Iran for Persia as the official name of the country. In its decision it was influenced by the Nazi revival of interest in the various Aryan races, cradled in ancient Persia. As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs set forth in its memorandum on the subject, 'Perse,' the French designation of Persia, connoted the weakness and tottering independence of the country in the nineteenth century, when it was the chessboard of European imperialistic rivalry. 'Iran,' by contrast, conjured up memories of the vigor and splendor of its historic past."

Defenders of the name change point to its use by the Greek historians citing that "Aryan" means "noble". Many also felt that calling something or someone Persian was dated and somewhat restrictive. There was a need to unify the people of this land under one nation, Iran, thus encompassing the other ethnicities, such as the Kurds or Turks, residing in former Persia.

This change, however, evoked much opposition and confusion as Persians felt that the term damaged their cultural heritage and aligned them with pro Nazi sentiment. Additionally, all too often Iran was confused with their neighboring Arab state of Iraq, so much so that during World War II, Winston Churchill called to enforce continuation of the term of Persia when dealing with political documentation. Even today, in an effort to separate themselves, those opposed to the current government in Iran continue to refer to themselves as Persian.

In 1959, the work of Professor Ehsan Yarshater, editor of Encyclopedia Iranica, propagated a move to use Persia and Iran interchangeably which was approved by Mohammad Reza Shah.



Okej? Han är död. Tror du kan vara lugn.

Ja faste då tar du förgivet att du inte kan påverka de förflutna [crazy]


[tired] Nu tyckte du att du var riktigt rolig va? Fan, jag skiter på mig. Så kul var det.



Ja faste då tar du förgivet att du inte kan påverka de förflutna [crazy]

Ja det gör jag. Inte så länge du lever iaf.
