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Är sjukt nervös Shockerad Nån som vill läsa den? skulle va otroligt tacksamt <3 O:) 

Vet inte om jag vågar posta den här i tråden... Ska fundera på det. Annars pmar jag <3


Ska du plugga i england eller?


Ska du plugga i england eller?

skottland blire trots allt, ändra mig 🙂 



skottland blire trots allt, ändra mig 🙂 

Åååååh vad mys
Lägg upp här




Whisky å öl nice.


fan va mys skottland måste ju va en av de finaste ställen som finns. Får en fråga vilket uni? Söt


fan va mys skottland måste ju va en av de finaste ställen som finns. Får en fråga vilket uni? Söt

Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen eller Robert Gordon beroende på var jag kmr in.  



Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen eller Robert Gordon beroende på var jag kmr in.  

Nice, hoppas du kommer in på något av dom 🙂
Vet ju inte hur deras uni är men Edinburgh och Aberdeen är ju helt grymma städer.


Ja skicka pm! Spännande ju Mycket glad Kommer gå bra 🙂



Åååååh vad mys
Lägg upp här


When I was
about six years old I was taken to see my very first pride parade in
Chicago. At the time I did not know what was meant by lgbt or what
effect the parade had on society. Now that I am older I realize the
implications of it, and I also recognize the courage that must have
been present in the organizing of the event. As this was my first
memorable experience which involved the exposure of something that
can be seen as going beyond the social norm to a great extent, I
believe it was the start of my open minded approach and interest in
societal issues. Since then I have begun taking drama classes, joined
Amnesty International and helped start a Kenyan project. When I
started high school I chose to study the IB diploma program as it
exposes me to various cultures and multiple perspectives, both
through the education and social interaction with students.

What I
find the most exciting in school are my psychology classes where the
sociocultural level of analysis especially captures my interest.
Learning about social identity, social learning, compliance,
obedience, stigmatization etc, has increased my understanding of why
individuals behave the way they do and how we can attempt to prevent
for an example prejudice. By studying psychology and sociology I hope
to learn more about culture's effect on individuals and what we can
do to make a positive change in our society.

I was inspired by the social psychologist Alice Eagly to write about
gender differences in conformity for my extended essay. I chose the
topic because I believe that gender inequality is an issue in many,
if not all, cultures today and has a need to be addressed. During my
research for the essay I found various results mainly depending on
where the research work had been conducted. Yet, a vast majority of
the studies did suggest that there are gender differences which is
most likely due to the gender roles in society and therefore
inequality between the sexes. This is a widespread issue today and
can, to exemplify, contribute to mental disorders such as anorexia in
women who try to conform to body ideals.

involvement in the human rights organization Amnesty International
opened a door for me to realize that we can make a difference for the
world to become a better place. Through my volunteer work I have come
in contact with many people who do amazing jobs fighting for human
rights and they have inspired me to do the same. Since I was educated
last February to become a representative of Amnesty I have felt the
importance of the work I do, which is spreading awareness of human
right violations. The skills I have obtained from my involvement are
primarily communicative as I have learned how to communicate with
people on somewhat sensitive topics and spreading awareness.

In October
last year four motivated individuals and I decided to start a Kenya
Project as we wanted to help schools in the slum outside Nairobi with
supply and access to clean water. I was chosen to become the
president of the project because of my commitment and engagement
within the project. Leading the project has been challenging at
times, yet it has mostly been fun and fulfilling, especially when
seeing the results of all the work we have done as a group. It has
taught me to become more structured and organized in order to take
advantage of the full potential our project posses.

In sum, I
feel confident with my choice of study and that I can contribute to
any university with my determination to be successful.


patrick bateman:
Ja skicka pm! Spännande ju Mycket glad Kommer gå bra 🙂

posta den här^^ 


shatter: posta den här^^

Modigt! Ska läsa 🙂



posta den här^^ 

Den var jättebra tyckte jag! Haha, har ju någon koll på hur någon annans ser ut eller hur långt det ska vara etc men jag tyckte det var bra. Du är duktig så blir säkert skitbra! Hoppas du komma in på någon speciell av dem du ansökte till? 


patrick bateman:

Den var jättebra tyckte jag! Haha, har ju någon koll på hur någon annans ser ut eller hur långt det ska vara etc men jag tyckte det var bra. Du är duktig så blir säkert skitbra! Hoppas du komma in på någon speciell av dem du ansökte till? 

Helst Glasgow 🙂 Min mamma hjälpte mig med det så är rätt så annorlunda nu men hoppas på de bästa <3 tack!



Helst Glasgow 🙂 Min mamma hjälpte mig med det så är rätt så annorlunda nu men hoppas på de bästa <3 tack!

Då hoppas vi på Glasgow! Vet inget om deras universitet men känner folk som varit där och iaf älskar staden 🙂 Vad snällt! Det är ju bra 🙂 Hur är det mellan er förresten just nu? Tänker på det hon hittade och så... Du behöver inte berätta om du inte vill men lyssnar gärna om du vill 🙂

Varsågod! 🙂 Spännande grejer faktiskt Mycket glad
