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Hej! Skulle ni kunna ge mig era omdömen på denna filmananalysen i eng?

A film review about the movie little miss sunshine
The film is directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris.
I’ve seen a movie, called little miss sunshine. It’s about a girl named Olive Hoover, and her “strange family”.
The reason that I call this family “strange” is because of the behaviour of the family, especially: the big brother: Dwayne Hoover, who is one of them, and the grandpa, Edwin Hoover too.
If I should describe a little about those two: the uncle and the brother. It would have been like this: the brother doesn’t say a thing at all, and the grandpa is taking drugs and behaves in a weird way.
He doesn’t really give people much respect, and he talks really bad to people, and not in a “decent” way.
And back to brother, the reason why the brother doesn’t talk is because he have taken a commitment, about being quiet until, he gets into fly academic school. Until now he has been quiet for like nine months, without saying a word to anyone.
I find it weird, but still very great that someone gives out a promise about him/her self, because it really shows a sign of maturity.
So to the uncle, I guess why he took drugs was because he just wanted to live his life, he was really old, but still it’s really stupid to waste your “great” life like that with drugs.
Anyhow, the movie is otherwise about this family, who has their daughter, a little chubby girl who is going to enter little miss sunshine beauty pageant.
Their way there is by their yellow VW bus, which isn’t really working so well.
And the whole ride to California doesn’t go as well as they thought, there are many disputes with the family, but overall it just makes them get closer to each other. By the way, the key-scene, or what could I say, the part where everything just flipped away, and took another direction, were almost at the end of the movie, and that scene was so funny, I really laughed to that a lot.
The film was really good, or it was “great” really, okay I know that I’m are always kind to movies and so on… However this movie was really good.
The directors were really unknown for me, I haven’t seen any of their movies before, and I don’t think that I’m interested in seeing them.
Their normal genre is usually drama and things like that, not really what I like, I like more drama/action and comedy, okay I mentioned drama there, but I don’t want a movie with only drama, I like a mix of it all.
This movie in the director’s kind of view is what I guess about showing people that everyone could be in the starlight, no matter how they look. And I guess that they have succeeded in doing that in a good way, it could have been better, but I guess that people will understand more, how they thought.
The film is about being yourself and that everyone else could just go to “hell”, if they don’t agree with you. I thought that was a good way to show people that they could accomplish everything, if they just stay focus and don’t listen to others too much.
As I said before, the movie was great, cause’ it had everything I want in a movie: good actors, “craziness’” and a great storyline. Those things are normally what I want to see in a movie or a show.
I really liked Olive, she was really funny, and she didn’t really understand how things were, even though she thought that she knew about her family problems. She was just filled with sunshine.
And by all the things I said now, so am I willing to give this movie a 4 of 5 sun shines.


typ IG, eller G- om du har en snäll lärare.



typ IG, eller G- om du har en snäll lärare.

skojar du ?
Jag har inga stavfel eller något :S



skojar du ?

nej, jag orkade bara inte läsa den.



nej, jag orkade bara inte läsa den.

Då hur fan kan du säga att det är ig eller G-?
Helt cp...



Då hur fan kan du säga att det är ig eller G-?
Helt cp...

Ny här på UM eller?



Ny här på UM eller?

Ne. Men va tycker du om recensionen då ?





Ne. Men va tycker du om recensionen då ?


nej, jag orkade bara inte läsa den.



Skulle ni kunna ge mig era omdömen på denna filmananalysen i eng?

Styckeindela. Antingen med indrag (svårt att få till i UM-inlägg dock) eller mellanrum. Därefter kan du börja fråga folk om åsikter. En text som ser ut sådär är definitivt inte färdigbearbetad.


Texten flöt inte riktigt? :s


håller med ante. Orkade inte läsa igenom hela, men du använde kolon helt fel i början, och dessutom förstår jag inte varför du ska ha situationstecken på massor av ord.


Jag glömde helt bort styckeindeling, mellanrum och annat.
Men i överlag vilket betyg hade jag kunnat få, tror ni ?



ch dessutom förstår jag inte varför du ska ha situationstecken på massor av ord.

Använde mig inte utav så många situationstecken. Ifall du hade läst hela, så hade du nog förstått varför jag använde mig utav så många situationstecken.



Använde mig inte utav så många situationstecken. Ifall du hade läst hela, så hade du nog förstått varför jag använde mig utav så många situationstecken.

Du behöver inte situationstecken för sådan sarkasm... Du borde faktiskt inte ens använda dig av sådan sarkasm i en filmanalys, eller något annat du någonsin skriver på en seriös nivå.
