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Slut på internets


Var fyller jag på mitt internets?

Det är helt tomt, inga mer roliga grejor. Har t.om. avverkat större delen av Encyclopedia Dramatica. Fixa.


Och de flesta fucktards på den här sidan bör läsa:

1. Skitviktigt
2. ​​Helt stört jävla viktigt

Eftersom jag antar att större delen av den här trådens läsare inte kan den rätta tekniken för att trycka på en länk så kan jag här dra ut det viktigaste ur den Skitviktiga länken:

Trolling Rules

Made by a fucking experienced and successful Jewgrounds troll

* 1- You must always do it for the lulz.
* 2- You're a troll, nothing and no person can hurt you, except overfeeding.
* 3- Attack in packs, the B& hammer can take down lone wolves like Americans to a MG42.
* 4- Keep all inter-site raids silent. The target may learn and prepare.
* 6- The craftier the target, the moar research you must do.
* 8- We are not your personal army.
* 9- The 1337 are not to be targeted, they won't feed you if so.
* 10- Research: Your new best friend.
* 11- White Knights = Internet Tough Guys = Pussies
* 12- In true raids, close the pool first.
* 13- Never use the homosexual insult. It makes you look like a pussy.
* 14- Post cats on Caturday.
* 15- No raid intel for newfags.
* 16- One must have a /b/ file.
* 17- One must have a fap file.
* 18- Proxies keep you from getting v&.
* 19- The Copy Link option can save your from your own keyloggers.
* 20- /b/ is home and home tends to fall sometimes.
* 21- Lie considerably and professionally.
* 22- Never admit you are a troll. Even after the job is done.
* 23- You must ALWAYS do it for the lulz.


Some techniques:

* Always use proper grammar and spelling. Failure to do so will result in the obvious retort.
* Choose an insane idea and STICK WITH IT. Ignore all other arguments and any other form of logic or common sense.
* Kidnapping Jew soldiers. Classic Hezbollah troll for inciting Holy War and for Ninja Evangelist Christians trying to jump-start The Rapture.[2]
* Use many sock puppets to try to convince everyone that someone at random is a troll.
* Use people's ignorance about IP addresses to your advantage.
* Use Caller ID Spoofing for general lulz via phone
* Fifty Hitler Post
* Fake journals
* HAGGER?????????????????
* Crapflooding
* Posting offensive links or images and claiming they are work safe
* Using the word abortion in a sentence
* Making a conservatism post in liberal comm or vice versa
* Suing someone in Internet court
* Listen to TrollfesT to get in the mood.
* Hacker
* Inane flame
* Ministry of truth
* Mail lists
* Be a famous black rapper at the MTV Video Music Awards, wait for some random white girl singer to win an award and then say, "(White Girl's Name), I'm really happy for you, Imma Let You Finish but (Random Black singer nominated) had the best video of all time."

TL;DR X I'm really happy for you but Y had one of the best Z's evar.

* Sprinkle "citation needed" tags into user comments on Wikipedia talk pages.
* Google Drop their name all over the Internets.
* Posting an offensive image as the userpage for a new user via administrative means on AE and then locking the page so it cannot be edited.
* Even making the suggestion that racist stereotypes are, in fact, with merit.
* Guides on trolling is also another good way to troll.
* Make an intoductory post on a forum that starts out "Hi my name is _ and im a scientologist from..." just sit back and watch the moral fags educate you and everyone else about scientology while others try to stick up for you.
* It is possible for one to troll by pretending to get trolled. Furthermore, it is possible for another to troll by pretending to be trolled by the one pretending to be trolled. The vicious chain continues on to the point where all are trolled simply by trying to follow and understand it.

Med den här posten hoppas jag kunna minska det överdriva användandet av termen "troll" här på UM.


Tyvärr, du har kramat ur det sista utav den magiska internetssaften



Haha den här var ny för mig:

The fail/win paradox

Is a paradox created by hippies constructed to create a failed Mindfuck. It simply puts a goal to "fail", and then asks if said test subject succeeded in achieving that fail. If the goal were to fail, and you failed in failing, then you achieved your goal to fail, thereby winning. If you achieved the fail you set out to achieve, that would be considered a win - the only logical outcome is to win when the goal is to fail. But even if you win, you're still retarded for trying.




Tråden låst på grund av inaktivitet
