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We asked young people between 13-25 about how they look at and experience their life online and their online life in relation to their life IRL. We received almost 1,000 responses and opinions differ widely on many points, but some things most people agree on. 8 out of 10 reflect on how they use their connected devices and believe that they themselves have the greatest responsibility for improving their lives online. About half of those who responded state that the connected life means that they learn more, can influence society and that it improves their friendship relationships. But many also experience that their mental health is negatively affected, that they become sedentary and sleep worse.
Half of the respondents answered that the best thing about being connected is learning new things, closely followed by never having to be bored (49%) and meeting people (47%). 45 % experience an opportunity to influence society to a greater extent and just as many that their friendship relationships get better.
The worst thing about connected life, according to our respondents is that one becomes sedentary (58 %). 54 % experience that they sleep worse and 42 % that they become antisocial. Other negative effects that are mentioned are that their mental health becomes worse (39%), one develops a poorer self-esteem (31%) and that school results deteriorate (28%).
The report shows that 55% of those surveyed spend more than 5 hours a day online. It says something about how important it is that we all, both young and adults, both organizations, companies and fellow human beings, work together to ensure that online life is also interesting, educational, safe and healthy.
Download the report here!
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